• 15. January 2018
  • New

Work Space 4.o:
OneOffixx at the Office 365 MeetUp

New work environments at the Office 365 MeetUp.
Online teams, mobile devices and other recent developments are digitalizing our work routines on a daily basis. Cloud platforms, social media marketing or innovative ways to optimize documents are on high demand in today’s working world. The developments of a work space 4.0 create countless challenges. What are the benefits and chances of digitalizied work environments? What are the risks? These are some of the questions discussed at the Office 365 MeetUp hosted by Appsphere on March 22 in Munich. The event will showcase best practices and offer lively discussions. Among other, the MeetUp will give a first-hand overview on the new Office 365 solution by Microsoft, which was presented at the Ignite event last autumn.

Document management at the highest level by OneOffixx.
On March 22, the Office 365 MeetUp is taking off in Munich, presenting the latest solutions in the areas of collaboration, cloud and document management. At the event, Appsphere will be supported by partners and specialists: OneOffixx is one of the co-hosts at the event. Country Manager Elmar Barzen will talk about template management across various technologies. The expertise of OneOffixx in the area of document management and optimization is highly on demand.

A future-oriented program at the Office 365 MeetUp.
Microsoft is responding to the challenges of the digital work space 4.0 and offers innovative solutions via Office 365. The efficient OneOffixx template management takes the development a step further by optimizing the creation and maintenance of documents on the basis of Microsoft Office. Elmar Barzen will touch base on the ideal document management and other issues during his speech in Munich.
The innovative program of the Office 365 MeetUp will also shed light on the new version of Microsoft Teams, which is supposed to superceed Skype for Business in a near future. The program is rounded up with a contribution by AvePoint on the chances of working in online teams, as well as a presentation of appropriate tools.

Participate and win.
Take part in the Office 365 MeetUp on March 22 at the Munich Technology Center. Get to know all OneOffixx benefits and exchange knowledge on the best practices of digital work environments. Participate in the raffle and win a free ticket for the European Collaboration Summit. You can sign up for the Office 365 MeetUp here. We very much look forward to your visit as well as an interesting exchange of ideas!

Office 365 MeetUp: Basic information
Date: Thursday, March 22, 2018, 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Location: Munich Technology Center (MTZ), Agnes-Pockels-Bogen 1 (room E1), 80992 Munich

office 365 meetup