OneOffixx Document Template Software:
reduces the risk of legal errors and strengthens your brands
The OneOffixx document template management facilitates the creation of Office documents, using the latest designs, content and corporate specifications. OneOffixx supports all languages, locations and brands. It enables a smooth implementation of a management strategy for standardized documents across your enterprise. OneOffixx also takes care of adhering to your strategy without any extra efforts.
OneOffixx document template management increases the corporate legal certainty
In times of data protection and digital transformation, legal requirements are subject to constant changes. Recent developments significantly complicate the tasks of quality management and legal departments, as well as of compliance teams.
Employees are often overwhelmed when trying to follow up with the continuous changes. Preventing the circulation of obsolete or incorrect formulations in contracts and legal documents remains a tiresome and time-consuming duty. You may be familiar with the frustrating situation, when different departments, corporate entities and teams use different document templates. Oftentimes, they are not standardized, resulting in a dilution of corporate requirements. In addition, legal errors in contracts can lead to high financial risks for companies.
The OneOffixx document template system increases the legal certainty of your letters, agreements, emails and presentations. All templates and data are centrally managed. Updates are smoothly and swiftly executed. As a result, all staff members have constant access to the latest and correct document standards.
Legally and CI/CD conform documents at all times
OneOffixx documents can be flexibly adjusted to the rapid changes of our times. If desired, specialist departments (e.g. compliance management, quality management, legal departments, brand management) can update templates without the help of IT. Thanks to the OneOffixx document template management, authorized users are able to maintain and change templates, snippets or company data and take care of legal wordings themselves. The responsibility remains within the field of competence of a specific employee or department. As a result, the legal certainty and validity of your documents is increased.
OneOffixx distributes updated templates, wordings and information within a few minutes throughout your entire company. The synchronizing is executed automatically and without any additional efforts. You are better off with OneOffixx!
Company-wide compliance and control of brands
The OneOffixx document template management does not only facilitate the compliance of legal writings or ethical regulations. It also supports your brand management. With OneOffixx, it is much easier to display the correct corporate identity on all Office documents and in emails. Brands, designs, logos, corporate colors and specific formattings are centrally managed. Authorized staff members can update them smoothly and easily on demand.
Within a minimum amount of time, the latest designs and brands are accessible to employees across all company locations. The dilution of your CI/CD is automatically reduced. Your brands enter center stage stronger than before.
Staff members have access to updated formulations and designs within minutes
OneOffixx is unified and individual at the same time. Documents created on the basis of OneOffixx templates are personalized and tailored to each staff member. Thanks to the OneOffixx document template software, employees can easily access the latest template versions in each moment. OneOffixx automatically distributes updates in templates. At the same time, the software takes the individual authorization rights of each staff member into consideration.
Would you like to get a first-hand experience on how OneOffixx optimizes the workflows in your company? Get in touch and arrange a web demo!