I am excited about OneOffixx, because it is reliable and extremely user-friendly.
Christian Schollenberger, KIBAG
OneOffixx stood out, as it completely satisfies our demands.
Markus Rinderer, Baudirektion Kanton Zürich
A professional cooperation based on true partnership with OneOffixx.
Michael Doebeli, Koch Group AG
Simply successful:
Benefits of the OneOffixx Template Management
OneOffixx optimizes your template management system on the basis of Microsoft Office. It guarantees a correct display of all corporate documents, using the latest content and formatting standards.
The renowned OneOffixx standard software is easily applied on all locations, brands and languages. It is possible to run OneOffixx on all devices. Furthermore, the OneOffixx template management system is independent of a specific Microsoft Office version.
Are you tired of wasting your time with the creation, maintenance and management of your company’s numerous templates? The OneOffixx template management system facilitates your daily office agenda, as well as the one of all employees.
Benefits for the IT Department
- liberates IT from time-consuming worfklows
- authorized staff members may execute template updates
- minimized IT support for templates
- reduced amount of templates thanks to dynamic elements
- comprehensive authorization rights system
- automatic supply of personalized templates
Benefits for Legal & Compliance Management
- reduces the risk of legal errors in documents
- compliance of corporate guidelines
- reduces the circulation of obsolete templates and texts
- increased legal conformity of the document management
- automatic distribution of the latest templates
- standardized design, formatting and logos
Benefits for Brand Management & Marketing
- unified templates according to the CI/CD
- brands are automatically strengthened
- availability of the latest CI/CD conform templates
- reduces the dilution of brands and designs
- high text quality due to snippets
- supports timed marketing initiatives
Benefits for the General Management
- standardized email signatures and documents
- increased legal certainty of texts and formulations
- unified corporate design across all locations
- no staff training for new Office versions needed
- availability in multiple languages
- higher efficiency and productivity
Benefits for Human Resources
- increased staff satisfacion
- facilitates operative workflows
- unified design of HR documents
- central management of employee data
- more efficient processes and better work results
- standardized documents in all languages
Benefits for the Administration
- simplifies daily workflows
- intuitive usability
- more fun when working with Microsoft Office
- saves time
- eliminates errors
- unified templates displaying individual contact data