OneOffixx by PrimeSoft is now also in use at the Municipality of Baar

The Municipality of Baar, located in the heart of the Canton of Zug, has decided to use the OneOffixx template software solution by PrimeSoft from now on. In addition to the city of Zug, which has been using OneOffixx for Microsoft Word and Outlook since 2021 with great success, the Municipality of Baar is now implementing 160 user licenses of OneOffixx Word and Outlook. In total, the authorities of the Canton of Zug will take advantage of more than 500 licenses for OneOffixx Word and Outlook in the future.

OneOffixx replaces an existing template solution

With OneOffixx, the municipality of Baar is replacing an old template software that was previously in use. Thanks to PrimeSoft’s template solution, the municipality of Baar is now able to communicate with its citizens in a simple and more efficient way, while saving valuable time when dealing with Microsoft documents.

The project kick-off took place recently. The harmonious and goal-oriented cooperation is one of the main reasons why the project will be completed in the 3rd quarter of this year already.

Simplified work processes for employees in administration

With the implementation of OneOffixx, the municipality of Baar benefits from a wide range of additional benefits offered by OneOffixx. All templates and contact data are clearly available in one central location and access is granted depending on the authorization level. With OneOffixx for Word, the municipality of Baar achieves a standardized presentation of logos, formatting and corporate designs on documents such as letters, tax notices and notifications for citizens. With just a few clicks, employees generate sophisticated Word documents in the correct CI/CD without having to worry about correct fonts, colors and other styles.

“OneOffixx has immediately convinced us. Its functionality surpasses our previous tool by far and new templates are created in no time or can be modified independently by power users. We are looking forward to the launch of the software”, confirms Alex Bieler (Head of IT, Municipality of Baar).

Updates and adaptations at one mouse klick

All departments benefit from easy template maintenance, as adjustments to templates can be made in no time at all and are automatically available on all workstations. With OneOffixx for Outlook, the municipality of Baar obtains a complete solution for e-mail signatures that are centrally managed.

In each e-mail signature, the CI/CD of the municipality is correctly displayed. By using automated eCampaigns, the Municipality of Baar informs its citizens about upcoming events or provides important information. Snippets are available for both Word and Outlook template and facilitate staff’s daily office routines. Thanks to OneOffixx, the Municipality of Baar is not only significantly minimizing the amount of templates, but also reduces the IT support to a minimum.

Public authorities and private companies preferably use OneOffixx

In addition to the Municipality of Baar, many other customers from both the public and private sectors use the OneOffixx template software and benefit from the efficient as well as time-saving solution by PrimeSoft when creating their Microsoft documents. Other OneOffixx customers include institutions in the cantons of Zurich and St.Gallen.

Gemeinde Baar verwendet OneOffixx Vorlagenlösung