Josip Gavranic: An employee who knows the value added of OneOffixx for clients

“I am particularly fascinated by the technical background”, says Josip Gavranic when being asked about his career decision. He has been supporting the OneOffixx team as a product specialist for more than a year. As his field of expertise includes a lot of direct contact with OneOffixx clients, Josip Gavranic knows the efficient template system from both an employee’s and a client’s perspective.

Help for customers to help themselves

In his daily work, he supports clients with the creation of individual templates. “Helping customers to help themselves” is Josip Gavranic’s motto. “From time to time, customers reach their own limits when creating rather complex templates. In such a case I provide support and explain, how they can solve the specific problem on their own next time.”

Josip Gavranic: Clients specifically value the system’s usability 

The smooth usability is what customers value most. The intuitive structure of the OneOffixx template management system enables clients to quickly and easily operate the software.

Furthermore, document parameters make for a popular tool. “With their help, users can fill in all relevant information via a comprehensive dialogue window. This way, they do not need to search for the exact spot in the document and are spared from manually updating information”, explains Josip Gavranic. Not only does the facilitated procedure save time. On top, it also eliminates major sources of errors.

Users focus on essential workflows

“Another main advantage of OneOffixx is the fact that clients can completely focus on their main tasks – such as the content of a letter”, Josip Gavranic points out.

As OneOffixx automatically loads additional data (e.g. logos, company and contact data or the current date) from the user profile, users do not need to take care of such issues any longer. The company’s CI/CD is correct at all times, without employees having to worry about it.

Fully automated processes thanks to OneOffixx

The creation of tricky scripts, as well as the automation of workflows are the two areas that Josip Gavranic as a passionate engineer finds great joy in.

One of his most exciting projects was realized for a client in the investment sector. “This client collects data, evaluates it and gives feedback to their customers. Before they started using OneOffixx, they had to manually create the necessary templates for each of their customers. To do so, our client collected various data at different locations, added it manually into the document and calculated the feedback by hand”, Josip Gavranic explains.

Thanks to OneOffixx, the complete workflow is now fully automated. Today, the client can run all data via an interface and have it manually added to the document. Even the recommendation for their customers is automatically generated in line with the indicators that are stored in the system.

Full compliance of the corporate identity at a reduced effort

On a personal level, Josip Gavranic particularly appreciates that OneOffixx helps users save a lot of time. “This fact paired with the system’s capability to display the CI/CD correctly at all times make for a great combination. Also, updates of templates are executed at a minimum effort“, he confirms and points out that changes in templates need to be executed at one central location only.

OneOffixx complements the Microsoft Office spectrum

Before joining OneOffixx as a product specialist, Josip Gavranic was convinced that he already knew the majority of possibilities that Microsoft Office offers to clients. “That was a misjudgement. Only after I started working with OneOffixx, I gained access to the full spectrum of possibilities that Microsoft Office has on offer”, he admits. Today, he feels very well integrated into the OneOffixx team at Sevitec Informatik AG.

Are you interested in working with OneOffixx in Munich or Switzerland? Get in touch and we look forward to receiving your application!

Josip Gavranic