Developer Week DWX 2018:
Robert Mühsig Lecturing on New Developments

OneOffixx software developer Robert Mühsig was invited as a speaker at the Developer Week DWX

The Developer Week DWX from June 25 to 28 is the biggest networking event for software developers in Europe. The independent conference features more than 200 lectures given by some 150 experts. Additionally, an exhibitor section presents products and services offered by more than 35 companies. Robert Mühsig is the head of the OneOffixx development team and a specialist in the Microsoft environment. He was invited to hold two lectures at the Developer Week DWX 2018.

Bild: Referenten Developer Week DWX 2018 Source:

First steps with the Microsoft Graph

In his first lecture, Robert presented first steps with the Microsoft Graph. The Microsoft Graph is a new Microsoft developer platform connecting various services and devices. It is based on Office 365-APIs and enables the integration of developer services in Microsoft products, including Windows, Office 365 and Azure.
The lecture particularly focused on the development of a “Login with Microsoft” (in line with social logins, such as “Login with Facebook”, which can be integrated in websites) for business applications in the Microsoft environment. The Microsoft Graph offers the possibility to develop such a login.

Cross-platform desktop software with ASP.NET Core

In the second lecture, Robert and a colleague talked about cross-platform desktop software with ASP.NET Core. In this respect, the lecture discussed the development of desktop applications across platforms using HTML5. Not only does HTML5 support the development across platforms, but it offers more features for desktops on a continuing basis. Nevertheless, the development of desktop applications based on HTML & JavaScript demands new frameworks and languages. The open source project Electron.NET connects C# & ASP.NET Core know-how with the possibilities of Electron. This way, high-quality desktop business applications for Windows, Mac and Linux can be developed in a combination of C# and HTML5.

We are very proud of the expertise of our colleagues and employees. The fact that the OneOffixx know-how is not only acknowledged and honored by clients, but also beyond our company is a particular joy for us. Thank you very much, Robert, for your great work and daily efforts regarding OneOffixx!