A perfect corporate design thanks to OneOffixx

The Swiss enterprise Koch Group AG provides tools and machinery for the wood processing industry. Machines and devices are supplied to companies all over Switzerland via five different locations. Another field of expertise is security technology: The range of products includes devices for access control, as well as tools for evacuation and emergency route systems.

„Efficiency and state-of-the-art CI/CD all in one!“

Michael Döbeli,
Head of Security Technology, Executive Board Member

Initial situation

The driving force behind the project was the introduction of a new corporate identity. The internal IT department was completely overwhelmed, as more than 100 existing templates had to be developed and maintained. Another difficulty was the fact that the existing templates were not coherent anymore. To find the best possible solution, KOCH Group AG evaluated various template management systems.


The main requirements for the new template management system became clear during the evaluation: Firstly, it was necessary to integrate both existing and new addresses into the system. Furthermore, a smooth transition to new Office versions should be guaranteed. The future software should also be easily applicable on new branches, especially when acquiring new companies.

„The presentation of the software completely convinced us. The participants were delighted about the possibilities offered by OneOffixx.“ (Michael Döbeli, Head of Security Technology, Executive Board Member)

Advantages of OneOffixx

To test the future system, KOCH Group AG introduced OneOffixx prior to changing their corporate identity. Later, the new corporate design was adopted literally at the touch of a button. „The new CI/CD was perfect right from the start. All our requirements were fulfilled and even exceeded. Our CIO was delighted. The training of our employees was professionally conducted and we enjoy working with OneOffixx on all levels. An extra plus was the development of supplements – such as issuing greeting cards and project plans – free of charge.“ (Michael Döbeli, Head of Security Technology, Executive Board Member)

I am excited about OneOffixx because:

…our cooperation was based on true partnership right from the start. We felt that all our requirements were met and professionally executed.

Project information
  • Specialized trade

  • Word, Outlook, Excel

  • 150

  • Office 2010 on Windows 7

  • tel.search (Swiss online phone directory), Outlook (email client), Active Directory (LDAP)

  • 6 months